Address and Phone numbers

Address: 4009 Fitzhugh Ave., Suite 100 Richmond, VA 23230

Phone: (804) 353-6503 Fax: (804) 358-5606E-Mail: [email protected]

Programs & Services

5 Core services of a CIL

  • Advocacy
  • Peer Support
  • Information and Referral
  • Independent Living Skills
  • Transition

All CILs provide the same 5 Core Services listed above.  In addition,  RIL offers the following additional services to consumers who request them:

  • Access to Sign Language Interpreter
  • Case Management
  • Complementary ADA Assessments
  • Community Education/Training to Local Schools and Businesses
  • Financial Literacy Programs
  • Health and Wellness programs
  • Housing Assistance
  • Job Training and Placement
  • Learning to Drive Classes
  • Personal Assistant Registry
  • Services to Youth in the Schools and in the Community
  • Support Groups
  • Technical Assistance
  • Ticket To Work Program
  • Travel Training/Assistance Referrals

Our Summer Youth Program combines multiple services into a program that pairs students with disabilities with adults with disabilities.  We then emphasize academic enrichment, job training and interviewing skills, financial literacy, self-advocacy, and community resources.   This is easily our most requested program of the year and capacity is always contingent on sufficient fundraising.   We hire additional staff certified in American Sign Language to assist our deaf and hard of hearing participants.  We offer this free program in three locations throughout the Central Virginia area and we expect to serve over 150 youth with disabilities.

Our Children’s Sensitivity Program is another unique program that we offer to local schools at no charge.  This interactive program is geared to grade school students and highlights “differences in abilities” through a conversation between a staff person who is a wheelchair user and an inquisitive puppet.  The Q&A session at the end is usually the best part of the presentation as children always ask the best questions.

Our Transition Services assist individuals moving from institutions into the community, individuals moving from nursing homes into the community, and youth transitioning from home into the community.  We also work with individuals at risk of institutionalization and provide them with appropriate community supports to remain living independently in the home of their choice.

We average approximately 1,200 direct service contacts annually and we also organize between 20 and 40 community presentations.  These presentations,  such as “disability awareness and etiquette” are scheduled throughout the Central Virginia area in both school and business settings, and are seen by over 1,000 individuals.  We are active in the local school systems and partner with agencies such as the Department of Motor Vehicles (for our Learning to Drive Courses) VHDA (for home modification grants) and VA Board for People with Disabilities (for our accessibility in new construction grant and our Youth Leadership Development Programs).

If you have questions about any of these services or if you would like more information, please contact our office directly at (804) 353-6503