Address and Phone numbers

Address: 4009 Fitzhugh Ave., Suite 100 Richmond, VA 23230

Phone: (804) 353-6503 Fax: (804) 358-5606E-Mail: [email protected]

Agency Recognizes Long Time Departing Board Member

The agency recently recognized Marianne Miller for her 23 years of service.  Marianne has retired from her faculty position at Virginia Commonwealth University and is moving.   Her leadership, commitment and sense of humor will be sorely missed.   Marianne has held several roles within the board, however her role as Board Chair in 2011 when new Executive Director Gerald O’Neill started was critical in keeping the agency operating smoothly during this transition after the 26 year tenure of the previous Director.

We wish Marianne all the best moving forward and she will be missed.   For pictures of her recognition dinner, please go to the agency Facebook Page.